Physical Light Cycles are Integral
to the Vitality of Animal Bodies.
The Mental Life of Animals
Entangles Physical Relationships
Ecological Health
Depends upon Physical Light Cycles
Physical Light Cycles are Integral to the Vitality of Animal Bodies.
Photo-physiology explores these physical relationships,
including organic relationships of external and internally produced light.
Bio-photo-physics explores the organic interactions of quantified electro-magnetic fields and living organisms.
Bio-photo-chemistry explores the organic relationships of photon absorption and its effects on chemical pathways in a body.
Bio-luminescence refers here to biologically generated chemo-luminescence that interlinks one individual organism to another.
Major references abound, though much of the central literature convalesces about the work of Fritz-Albert Popp. ('Research Gate').
Another key historical reference is Robert Adair (Research Gate), who along with other researchers explored the effects of electro-magnetic fields (light) on living organisms.
Biophysics labs each emphasize different aspects of research, though all are relevant. Some stress ultra-weak photon imaging as an investigative tool, while others look to the direct organic relationships of such emissions.
The Zoological Lighting Institute seeks to fund targeted biophysics endowments at existing biophysics labs, leading veterinary schools and with programs in partnership with accredited zoos and aquariums.
Many references abound, though perhaps the best summation is by Sönke Johnson.
In addition to offering a close examination of the physical mechanisms of visual ecology, Bio-photo-chemistry is vital to understanding endocrine, nutritive, and reproductive processes.
The Zoological Lighting Institute seeks to fund endowments to support bio-photon-chemistry research at the following institutions:
We distinguish here between bio-luminescence and mitochondrial photon emissions, on the basis of targeting dedicated processes relating one individual organism with another.
Perhaps the most concise summation of bioluminescence is Bioluminescence of the Sea, by Steven H.D. Haddock, Mark A. Moline, and James F. Case.The subject is nevertheless a familiar one, common to many authors.
Although bioluminescence as such is not emitted by charismatic megafauna such as birds, mammals, amphibians or reptiles, the cold light emitted by other organisms is a critical component of their environment.
The Zoological Lighting Institute seeks to fund endowments to support bio-luminescence research at the following institutions:
Physical Light Cycles are integral to 'perception', and so to the mental ability of animals to map and process the spaces around them.
Sensory Ecology explores these physical relationships,
including mental formations of color and cross-sensory processing.
Visual systems process dynamic luminous information, critical to Pcpt.-Cs. functioning.
Animal coloration is a critical aspect of nutritive and reproductive processes.
Sensorial functioning is complex, with different senses informing each other.
Major references abound, though much of the central literature convalesces about the contemporary works of Dan-e Nilsson and Michael Land.
Visual ecology might be said to encompass all three of the ZLI Framework Sensory Ecology topics, in addition to crossing over into photo-physiology. Nevertheless, we focus on the specific mechanisms involved in optical functioning under this category,
as important interfaces,
The Zoological Lighting Institute seeks to fund targeted visual ecology endowments at existing sensory ecology labs, leading veterinary schools and with associated programs in partnership with accredited zoos and aquariums. We have particular interest in the following institutions:
Animal coloration is a central but complex biological subject, which includes the surface pigmentation and structural modifications of light. Many references abound, espousing many theories and views, but the most concise are perhaps works by Martin Stevens.
General sentiments on animal coloration are still informed by the C19 work of Frank Evers Beddard. His work relates 'colors' to direct environmental factors, predation avoidance (camouflage), warning signals, mimicry, as well as sexual opportunism.
For ZLI, the most salient issues of animal colouration fall under the first category, and to different expressions of animal coloration under differing luminous environment conditions.
The Zoological Lighting Institute seeks to fund endowments to support bio-photon-chemistry at existing labs, leading veterinary schools and with associated programs in partnership with accredited zoos and aquariums:
Cross Sensory Modalities involves interactions between two or more different sensory modalities, such as hearing, sight, magneto-reception, taste, and smell. Differing inputs in one sense, affect the operation of others.
Freud's book 'On Aphasia' is an early example of this field of study. However, it has become a popular topic in non-human animal sciences. particularly relevant to ZLI by relating the cascade of one environmental effect (light pollution) upon others. .
A wealth of studies on sonar and magneto-reception abound, but the clearest reference from a human-animal context perhaps specifically focused on cross sensory modalities is to be found in the work of Pr. Charles Spence at Oxford University:
The Zoological Lighting Institute seeks to fund endowments to support cross modal research at existing labs, leading veterinary schools and with associated programs in partnership with accredited zoos and aquariums:
Organismal, functional and evolutionary biology are each inescapably bound to physical light cycles and luminous habitat conditions.
Photo-epidemiology explores the uses and roles of light in terms of disease susceptibility, prevalence, and therapeutic treatments.
Natural light cycles are crucial throughout the nutritive process, also impacting the availability of prey, as well as predation pressures.
Natural light cycling conditions how time is managed and constructed by living organisms. Seasonality, aging, migration, locomotion.
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(Coming Soon)
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Dedicated ZLI Labs and Professorships give focus to scattered topics. Funding Endowments at existing universities and institutions consolidates resources.
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